Friday, May 17

5 reasons why a daily green tea can add years to your life, according to science

The green tea has become one of the most faithful allies of good health. The truth is that every day we have more scientific references that support its medicinal properties, green tea is a powerful drink that contains compounds and molecules that have beneficial interactions in the body. Not for nothing there is more and more evidence that proves the benefits of green tea to help us live longer.

5 reasons why a daily green tea can add years to your life, according to science

So it is not surprising to learn that new ways are discovered every day in which green tea helps us stay healthy. Numerous studies show that drink between five and ten cups a day , although for many it can be a large amount of green tea a day. It is actually a habit that significantly reduces the risk of suffering from various diseases and not only that, it benefits health in many aspects. However, there is a possibility that drinking too much green tea may cause some of the negative effects associated with excessive intake of caffeine.

Based on the above, specialists recommend limiting the daily consumption of green tea between three and five cups, doctors and science consider it the optimal amount. Discover 5 wonderful ways in which drinking green tea regularly can potentially give you more years and quality of life.

1. You will be able to defeat the attack of bacteria

Modern society is too used to consuming antibiotics at any sign of illness and infection. The truth is that many antibiotics are no longer as effective as before, science has proven that bacteria, parasites and viruses have begun to develop resistance to them. According to information released in Harvard Health Publishing , these strains are known as “superbugs” . This is not to say that antibiotics do not work, just the bacteria are becoming more powerful.

The good news is that the habit of drinking green tea can be a great ally, according to a study Drinking green tea while taking antibiotics significantly improves the properties of antibiotics and this enhances the ability to kill disease-causing bacteria. There is also a most recent study of the year 2019, published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology that revealed similar findings.

2. Powerful ally of cardiovascular health

Probably one of the most popular benefits of green tea, is its benefits to protect the cardiovascular health. Its regular consumption is known to decrease the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases. Every day science gives us more references in this regard, according to a study based on the share of 40, 000 Japanese adults, found that those who drank more than five cups of green tea a day had a 26% lower risk of death from heart attacks or strokes. Another wonderful fact is that research reveals that in the cases of people who have previously had a heart attack or stroke, the regular consumption of Green tea is associated with a reduced risk of death .

There is also an investigation published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry which suggests that a compound in green tea has the ability to break down potentially dangerous plaque buildup in the blood vessels , which in turn reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.

3. Helps fight autoimmune diseases

Green tea is considered the healthiest drink on the planet and this title is no accident. According to a work by research from the Oregon State University A particular compound in green tea called EGCG can help the body fight autoimmune diseases. It should be mentioned that autoimmune diseases, as their name suggests, occur when the body’s immune response fails and attacks itself.

University researchers endorse that there are certain cells in the body that exist to control this type of response, which are called regulatory T cells . For further context, scientists discovered that EGCG has the potential to increase the number of regulatory T cells in the body. Therefore drinking green tea will make us stronger against certain diseases and of course, to this we must add another long list of benefits.

4. Reduces the risk of death in people with diabetes

One of the most recurrent and dangerous chronic diseases of today is diabetes , which every day takes more lives worldwide. The good news is that green tea could be of great help, it has been proven through u n observational study published in BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. that drink four or more cups of green tea a day reduces the risk of dying from any cause in people with type 2 diabetes.

It is important to mention that people with chronic and degenerative diseases, as is the particular case of diabetes s are more prone to a number of serious health problems, such as diseases circulatory disorders, dementia, cancer and bone fractures. The study found that participants who drank a combination of green tea and coffee had significantly lower risk factors for death. In fact, the lowest risk was in those who drank four or more cups of green tea and two or more cups of coffee a day.

5. Can prevent cancer

Green tea It is one of the drinks with the greatest contribution in antioxidants, substances that are considered the best friends of health. Not only are they key to combat free radicals and thereby reduce oxidative stress , which is associated with serious diseases. There are several references that support the anticancer benefits of green tea. L Studies show that green tea can protect against prostate and breast cancer.

Additionally, drinking green tea may increase the levels of a natural anticancer protein known as p 53. In fact there is a recent study, led by researchers from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in which an interaction was discovered between the compound EGCG in green tea and the protein p 53 , which one of the researchers called “possibly the most important protein in human cancer.” There is another reference, from a study published in the year 2018 in which the effects were verified of green tea combined with other treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, to enhance the clinical effect in cancer patients.