Friday, May 3

Obesity solutions in adolescents with a low-calorie and nutritious diet

Obesity solutions in adolescents with a low-calorie and nutritious diet

The cases of obesity in the United States and the world have reached alarming numbers, currently it is one of the most recurrent and degenerative chronic diseases. Not for nothing is it considered an epidemic. Obesity is a multifaceted chronic condition with several contributing causes, including biological risk factors, socioeconomic status, health awareness, and numerous environmental influences. Recently, in particular, there has been a great concern about the increasing rates of obesity in children and adolescents , in fact the cases of obesity in young people in the United States have tripled in the last three decades.

The truth is that there are many factors that are related to this worrying increase in cases. Such is the case of those adolescents who live in historically disadvantaged environments , they tend to have higher rates of obesity compared to other groups. Also, according to current studies, adolescents generally often do not meet intake recommendations for certain food and nutrient groups, which can contribute to an increased risk of obesity.

It is undeniable to accept that obesity currently disproportionately affects adolescents (12-19 years of age). The negative effects of excess fat can be particularly noticeable during this critical period of development. So sadly, it is becoming more and more common for obese adolescents to have symptoms of chronic cardiometabolic disease that are typically seen in adults, such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and inflammation. It is truly alarming!

In addition, there are other important aspects to consider, such as the close relationship between obesity and psychosocial health. Obese adolescents have been shown to have higher levels of stress, depressive symptoms, and less ability to recover.

Fortunately, the government and schools are paying special attention to the problem, they have taken on the task of reducing and preventing adolescent obesity through the implementation of school and community-based interventions. These interventions promote knowledge and self-efficacy for healthy practices. Among the main ones is the relevance of doing physical activity, following a nutritious and balanced diet, and betting on a quality rest.

Although there are some complementary measures that are important to take into account, such as adequate medical supervision to calculate your body mass index (BMI). It is worth mentioning that it is not only an important aspect to measure the percentage of body fat, it is essential to define if the young person is in a range of overweight or obesity. And based on this, much more personalized dietary strategies can be established.

It is important to mention that on many occasions, they may not actually need to lose weight, just keep it off and “catch up” as they get older. However, in cases where weight loss is required, experts say that teens shouldn’t lose more than 2 pounds per week.

The best dietary recommendations:

Diet plays an essential role in weight loss and is also key to ensuring optimal growth and good energy levels. Although each case is particular, in general the experts have established that in those adolescents who need to lose weight, the most important thing is to bet on a hypocaloric (that is, low in calories) and nutritious diet. Based on this, we set about compiling some basic recommendations.

1. Avoid the intake of soft drinks and sweetened beverages

One of the main measures to adjust the diet in adolescents is to promote that they do not consume sweetened beverages, as is the particular case of soft drinks, juices, sports drinks, flavored milk and commercial teas . They provide many calories, are full of sugar and affect health, as well as being a precursor to obesity. It is very important that they stay hydrated through the consumption of natural drinks such as herbal teas and natural water.

2. Turn veggies and fruits into easy snack options

One of the main causes of obesity in children and young people is related to a low consumption of fruits and vegetables, which shine for their nutritional value. They are also incredibly hydrating, satiating and rich in fiber. It is important that parents and schools support the consumption of fruits and vegetables, making them accessible and easy to eat. A good recommendation at home is to have airtight containers with ready-to-eat vegetables and fruits on hand in the refrigerator. That is to say, previously disinfected and cut they will not only be the perfect snack, they are the ideal base to create salads and all kinds of dishes with abundant vegetables.

3. The importance of having breakfast every day

Adolescents often give up their morning meal to sleep in later, however skipping breakfast is a very bad habit that directly influences body weight. The reason is simple, when it comes to lunch they will be much hungrier and prone to overeating or giving in to junk food cravings. It is important that you always consider a light breakfast such as a yogurt shake with fresh fruit, oatmeal with apple or a light sandwich.

4. Avoid having junk food on hand at home

It’s no secret to say that teenagers are fans of fast and junk food. However, having it on hand at home is simply promoting their consumption, therefore it is important to avoid having junk food available. They stand out for their high caloric value, they are also usually full of sugars, salt, refined flours, saturated and trans fats; that not only cause weight gain, they deteriorate health significantly. The same happens with dinners based on fast food, pre-cooked and frozen, it is important that at home we promote the consumption of whole, colorful and natural foods.

5.  Create the habit of eating at home

Teenagers love going out to restaurants, especially fast food restaurants where they often hang out with their friends. In addition to loving the food of these types of chains, they are nevertheless considered one of the main causes of obesity in young people around the world. To begin with, they are foods that have more than 40% of the calories provided by a meal cooked at home , in addition to the excess calories there are other serious problems regarding their consumption. Among which stands out its high content of saturated fat, refined flours, additives, sugars and sodium, as well as being highly addictive foods.

6. Create balanced food combinations

It is very possible that adolescents are very little concerned with ensuring a good balance in their nutrition, they usually love to eat the most practical and accessible . Which is a danger since they end up overeating junk food and fast-food. While it is perfectly acceptable on a special occasion, it is important to help them follow a balanced and colorful nutrition. And the best way to achieve this is by creating attractive combinations of colorful dishes that are made with routes, vegetables, lean proteins, seeds, nuts and legumes. It is also very important to avoid excessive consumption of caloric foods and especially rich in saturated fats such as dairy products, sausages, red and processed meats, butter, butter and others.