Friday, May 17

Why We Should Consume Cauliflower Regularly

Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis) is a vegetable belonging to the Brassicaceae family, so it is a relative of other popular herbs such as broccoli, kale, or Brussels sprouts.

Cauliflower is a rich source of minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc, vitamins, such as B, C, E and K, and dietary fiber. It also has lower concentrations of sugars compared to other members of its family.

There are different types of cauliflower, in addition to the white one that is the most common, such as purple, with a higher concentration of anthocyanins and therefore of antioxidants, or orange, with a higher presence of vitamin A.

You will also get different carbohydrates and calories depending on the way you consume it:

  • 100 g of raw cauliflower contributes 25 calories and 5 g carbohydrates.
  • 100 g cauliflower boiled provides 23 calories and 4 g of carbohydrates.

Consuming it regularly you will obtain the necessary nutrients to achieve a balanced and sustainable diet, as well as many health benefits. Let’s review them.

Why We Should Consume Cauliflower Regularly

Take care of the heart

Cauliflower has a compound called glucoraphanin, which in turn can become other components called isothiocyanate. According to the available scientific evidence, these act as anti-inflammatories and prevent the accumulation of lipids (fat) in the blood vessels.

This promotes proper blood circulation and prevents the risk of diseases such as atherosclerosis. In addition, it seems to help reduce the presence of “bad” cholesterol in the blood while stimulating the production of “good”.

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Another goodness related to cardiovascular health that comes from consuming cauliflower is greater control over blood pressure. Although researchers are still analyzing the link behind this relationship, it is believed that it is due to the fact that certain compounds act by inhibiting the angiotensin-converting enzyme, that is, it works in a similar way to anti-hypertensive drugs.

There are also studies that associate the consumption of fruits and vegetables (including cauliflower) with a lower risk of strokes. This is believed to be due to the anti-inflammatory effects of some of its compounds, such as allicin.

Helps control diabetes

It is recommended that people with diabetes consume cauliflower regularly since its glycemic index (GI) is low (15). The GI is a measure that indicates how quickly a food can raise blood sugar level.

To foods with a GI of 70 or more are considered “high”, if the GI is between 56 and 59 are “moderate”, while if the GI is from 0 to 55 are “low”.

Cauliflower is also rich in vitamin C and potassium, which stimulate the regulation of glucose metabolism and are involved in the production of insulin.

Stimulates the immune system

Different human trials analyzed the effects of cauliflower on the body’s defenses, and concluded that its regular consumption complementing a balanced diet is very beneficial:

  • Because of its richness in antioxidants, cauliflower strengthens the immune system, blocking the action of free radicals, unstable molecules that affect the structures. healthy cellular urates and favor the appearance of diseases.
  • Cauliflower is rich in vitamin C, which allows a correct absorption of iron in the blood, favoring oxygenation and correct function of all cells.
  • Indole-3-carbinol is a phytonutrient in cauliflower that helps activate and regulate the function of the body’s detoxifying enzymes, responsible for eliminating harmful or unnecessary substances.

Digestive properties

Cauliflower is a rich source of dietary fiber, glucosinolate, glucoraphanin and sulforaphane, compounds that different studies linked to:

  • Greater control or weight loss, thanks to the fact that they promote the feeling of satiety and extend the periods between meals.
  • Prevention against inflammatory disorders.
  • Protection of the stomach lining.
  • Reduction of abdominal disorders, such as ulcers.
  • Stimulation of thermogenesis, a process by which you burn fat, lose weight and prevent being overweight or obese.

Protects the skin and hair

Certain compounds Cauliflower, like sulforaphane, are effective in protecting the skin against inflammation induced by UV radiation.

In addition, cauliflower compounds play a very important role in the production of collagen, a group of proteins that the body uses to improve the elasticity and resistance of tissues, thus determining the appearance that it will have our skin, hair and nails.

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Cauliflower also promotes hair growth and shine, as it has silicon and amino acids that contain sulfur , responsible for producing keratin (hair proteins).

Does it have anticancer potential?

As we point out, the Cauliflower consumption provides many antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E, glucobrassicin, glucoraphanin or gluconasturtiin, among others. These components stimulate the production of enzymes that help protect the body’s cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

According to various in vitro tests, this action would make it possible to hinder the proliferation of uterine cancer cells and mom. However, more studies and human trials are necessary to corroborate this benefit.

How to consume cauliflower?

First of all, it is important to choose those cauliflowers that show a white center, clean and tightly knit, with shiny green leaves. Remember that it should be consumed within the week after being cut as it does not last long.

You can eat cauliflower raw, boiled, steamed, roasted, or baked. It is commonly used as a garnish, to prepare rice, to serve with hummus, as a substitute for meat or to puree.

Side effects

Cauliflower is considered safe for most people and is linked to many benefits, however, some adverse effects associated with its consumption have been recorded.

Due to It contains fiber and complex carbohydrates that are difficult to break down, if consumed in excess it can cause bloating, gas and stomach pain.

It also has purines that form uric acid, favoring the appearance of stones in the long run kidney disease or conditions such as gout.

In addition, in some people it can cause allergic reactions, so it is advisable to eat it in moderation or try small amounts if it is the first time you consume it.

To remember:

Until significant scientific evidence from human trials is available, people are interested When using herbal therapies and supplements, they must be very careful.

Do not abandon or modify your medications or treatments, first talk to your doctor about the potential effects of alternative or complementary therapies.

Remember, the medicinal properties of herbs and supplements can also interact with prescription drugs, with other herbs and supplements, and even alter your diet.

Sources Consulted : Comprehensive Natural Medicines Database, US National Library of Medicine. , Mayo Clinic, US Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.