Friday, May 17

Herbs that help fight acne

Acne is a skin disease characterized by the presence of “pimples” or “blackheads”

These form when the hair follicles under the skin become clogged, and can appear on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders.

Certain factors can favor the excessive production of fat, the obstruction of the follicles or the appearance of bacteria that cause acne, namely:

  • Hormonal changes during adolescence or pregnancy.
  • Start or stop taking birth control pills.
  • Diets high in fat, fried and processed foods, while low in fruits, vegetables, grains and seeds.
  • Stress.
  • Hereditary factors.
  • Taking certain medications (such as steroids, estrogens, or testosterone).

Herbs that help fight acne

Although it is a common skin disorder, acne can often be annoying and even painful. Therefore, it is important to consult a dermatologist to make a diagnosis and determine the best treatment.

You can also use the following herbal home remedies:



Although garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a recognized food and condiment, at first people used it for medicinal purposes, since it is rich in vitamins, especially B and C, and minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus or magnesium, among others.

It also contains allicin and sulfur, substances capable of killing the bacteria that cause acne. If you use it for this purpose, it is important that it is raw, since cooking can hinder the production of allicin.

You can choose another of its variants, black garlic, which has similar but enhanced properties , since it has an additional compound called S-allyl-cysteine.

This makes it more effective, allows the body to better absorb its essential nutrients and gives it almost double the antioxidants.

How to use it

Rub a raw and sliced ​​clove of garlic (not crushed since that way it can lose many of its beneficial compounds) on the affected areas a couple of times a day.

  • Foods that help prevent acne

You will soon notice how the skin rash deflates, however, if you suffer adverse effects, such as irritation, you should stop the treatment as soon as possible and consult a dermatologist.


Aloe vera

Also known as aloe vera, aloe vera is a remedy that has been used for centuries, and it is very popular to fight acne or pimples.

This is due to the fact that different studies found that it has great healing, toning and deep penetrating power into the skin, making it one of the most used ingredients in the cosmetic industry.

How to use it

Aloe vera is very easy to use, you just have to cut its stems crosswise and place its pulp directly on the affected areas.

Let it act on the skin and then clean with warm water and neutral soap.



Also known as buttercup or mercadela, calendula (Calendula officinalis) is an herb that it is characterized by its yellow-orange flower and by its medicinal use throughout history by different civilizations.

Currently, it is recommended by many professionals to treat acne and dermatitis, thanks to its antioxidant, antibacterial and skin regenerating effects.

How to use it

Prepare an infusion by boiling a cup of water and then placing a tablespoon of leaves of calendula.

Let them rest, strain, and then use the infusion to make face washes or apply with a cloth on the areas affected by acne.

It is advisable to use this home remedy at night, before going to sleep.



Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a native plant of India, where it began to be used as a flavoring and coloring of rice and meat, a use that later spread to dye cotton, leather, wool, paper or silk .

It is the main seasoning of curry, and one of its components, curcumin, is responsible for its color and most of its benefits.

From traditional medicine turmeric is recognized for its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, ideal for reducing pimples and acne.

It is also useful to lighten the skin, fight dryness and slow down the skin aging process.

How to use it

In some regions of India turmeric paste is usually applied to the bride and groom before marriage to make your skin look healthier and brighter.

To combat acne, prepare any of the following options to use as a mask:

  • Mix one teaspoon of turmeric with two teaspoons of infusion of basil, mint or sage.
  • Mix one teaspoon of turmeric with two tablespoons of honey.
  • Mix one tablespoon of turmeric with two or three tablespoons of coconut oil.

Once the preparation of your choice is ready, apply it on the acne-damaged area and leave it to act for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and mild soap.



Dandelion or dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is an herb native to the Northern Hemisphere found wild in prairies, pastures, and even wastelands in temperate climates.

Although most of the scientific evidence on its benefits comes from in vitro and animal studies, experts believe that dandelion could be used to treat certain skin disorders, such as acne .

This is possible thanks to the fact that it stimulates the production of healthy and new cells, its anti-inflammatory properties, which increase the production of collagen, and its antimicrobial effects.

How to use it

The best way to take advantage of dandelion to fight acne is by preparing an infusion.

You should only mix a tablespoon of dried dandelion in hot water, let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes and then Apply with a cotton or cloth on the affected areas.



Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is an herb that is often used for gastronomic purposes, although it is also a great option to fight acne, since one of its active compounds, thymol, has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral action.

Some studies even pointed out that it would be more effective than benzoyl peroxide, the most common active in acne treatments.

How use it

Prepare a thyme lotion to rub on the areas affected by acne and let it absorb without rinsing.

To do this, you must boil a cup of water and add a tablespoon of dried thyme. Then let it rest, strain and use once cold.


Other tips

In addition to the aforementioned factors of risk of acne, certain habits can worsen this condition:

  • Excessive washing : Acne-prone skin is sensitive, so washing it many times a day can irritate it and make acne worse. Dermatologists advise only to wash when you wake up or when you perspire.
  • Do not pop the pimples : touching or pressing the pimples seems like a good idea to eliminate them quickly, but the truth is that you can worsen the condition and increase the risk of infection, leaving marks or wounds.
  • Don’t forget the cleaning : en In this case we refer to the cleaning of those surfaces that are in continuous contact with the areas of the body affected by acne. Remember to regularly wash pillows, cushions or clothing, as bacteria, dead skin cells and dirt can accumulate on them, capable of clogging pores.

To Remember:

Until there is significant scientific evidence from human trials, people interested in using herbal therapies and Supplements must be very careful.

Do not abandon or modify your medications or treatments, first talk to your doctor about the potential effects of alternative or complementary therapies.

Remember , the medicinal properties of herbs and supplements can also interact with prescription drugs, other herbs and supplements, and even alter your diet.

Sources Consulted : Comprehensive Natural Medicines Database, US National Library of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, US Department of Agriculture. , National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.