Friday, May 17

Foods you should never keep in fridge

We tend to think that refrigeration is the best way to store and ensure proper preservation of food, since it keeps it fresh for longer. In addition, it is a safe method to reduce the risk of the spread of bacteria that cause food poisoning and cross contamination.

Foods you should never keep in fridge

However, some ingredients are simply not made for colder temperatures ; therefore keeping them refrigerated only deteriorates them and affects their organoleptic qualities. These everyday products is best kept at room temperature, usually very sensitive to moisture and cold temperatures eventually change its texture and original flavor.

1. Garlic

Many people tend to keep vegetables in the refrigerator, however there are some that it is a serious mistake to do so and garlic is one of them. What happens is that garlic deteriorates at a faster rate when stored in the refrigerator due to the added moisture , unless it is already peeled and prepared. It is always best to keep it in a dry place with good air circulation, at room temperature and away from light. It is also important to try to keep them with the full head, to avoid that external agents deteriorate their freshness.

2. Walnuts

Nuts and in general the family of nuts, have positioned themselves as one of the healthiest food groups of the moment and that is why they are in every home. Based on this, much has been said about its proper conservation and at some point refrigeration was considered, however this is a bad practice. The correct way to store walnuts is in an airtight container in the pantry, that is, without contact with light and heat. If you need them to last more than a month, you should put them in the freezer where they will stay fresh and crisp for a year.

3. Honey

There is no benefit to keeping honey refrigerated, and rather it is better to avoid this habit. L honey is characterized by its thick texture, and to the cooled low temperatures make crystallizes and solidifies. So you’ll finally have to warm it up before using it, a really unnecessary step that will eventually damage its original consistency.

4. Onions

The same thing happens with onions, as with garlic. Ideally, keep them in a cool and dark place, when refrigerated they will only get wet and soggy , and end up spoiling when they spend a lot of time in the refrigerator. Of course, once cut the thing changes and you must keep them in a sealed container in refrigeration.

5. Eggplants

Eggplants are an extremely sensitive vegetable, for one thing: the low temperatures in the refrigerator will damage them considerably, but they shouldn’t get too hot, either. Drastic changes in temperature cause the aubergines to become humid and their texture is damaged, bet on keeping them in a cool and dark place, away from direct sunlight. It is also important to consume them as fresh as possible.

6. Olive oil

Storing oil in the refrigerator makes it cloudy and grainy ; room temperature is best to maintain good color and consistency. However, a cool, dark place like your kitchen cupboard is much better than leaving it in a space with direct sunlight.

7. Potatoes

Low temperatures turn the starch in potatoes into sugar, which can be potentially harmful and also cause them to turn green. Potatoes should be stored, without prior washing (this will only keep them moist and spoil faster), in a place away from sunlight. Remember that preparations with cooked potatoes, such as potato salad, should be kept refrigerated.

8. Bread

At some point there was the belief that bread is better preserved in the refrigerator, especially when it has already been consumed a little. However, what happens with low temperatures is that they change the structure of the bread and make it taste stale. So if you want to extend the life of the bread, the best thing you can do is freeze it and when you are going to consume it, bake it a little. It will keep well in the freeze for several weeks.

9. Coffee

Coffee naturally takes on the smell of the ingredients around it , so the refrigerator can significantly damage its taste. Coffee in any presentation (grain or powder) should be kept in an airtight container and stored in a dark place at room temperature, so that it stays fresh until it is time to grind and prepare it.

10. Melons and watermelons

Uncut melons and watermelons can be stored in the cupboard, the reality is that there is little impact when it comes to freshness , and leaving such a large fruit out of the refrigerator is a real space saver in the refrigerator. There is the false belief that they should be kept in the refrigerator because they are very refreshing fruits, however that is only necessary when they have already been split.